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Easement Instructions Enclosed is the easement form required by FPL to provide electric service to the above referenced facility. Please complete the instrument according to the following instructions. DESCRIBE, EXECUTE and RECORD the easement and return a recorded copy to your Project Manager. This easement needs to be returned to FPL prior to installing and energizing your proposed facility. Failure to do so could delay the timely installation of your electric facilities. Parcel I. D. #: Enter Parcel I. D. # in the upper left portion of the easement form. Describe Easement: Use the blank area in the middle of the form to describe the easement. If additional space is required, an Exhibit “A” attached as a 2 nd sheet to the instrument may be used. Metes & bounds may be used but a center line description is most common. A pictorial view of the easement may also be attached as an Exhibit “A”. Easements are usually 10ft in width, 5ft on either side of FPL facilities to be installed. Signing and Witnessing: A. For Individuals: All persons shown on the deed must sign the easement. Enter date in space provided. Sign on the indicated lines on the right side in the presence of two (2) separate witnesses, who sign on the lines to the left, and a notary public who completes the acknowledgement forms as described below. The notary public may be one of the witnesses and if so must sign at the left in the space provided. B. For Corporations: Enter date in space provided. The President, or Vice-President and the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary sign on lines indicated on the right, filling in their title below, in the presence of two (2) separate witnesses, who sign on the lines to the left, and a notary public who completes the acknowledgement forms as described below. The corporate seal must be affixed adjacent to the officer's signatures. Acknowledgements: The notary public should legibly fill in all blanks, including state and county of execution, names of individuals or officers signing and their titles, state or county where empowered to act, expiration date of commission, fill in the date, sign on line provided, and affix seal adjacent to the signature of the notary public. Record the Easement: If there are any questions with regards to the easement, please call your Project Manager prior to recording the easement. Have the easement Recorded at your local governing body. Only the unaltered FPL standard easement form (form 3722) will be accepted by FPL. Rev. 11/07