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The XPS format is a fixed-page format that is very popular among users and widely supported by various applications, because a XPS document looks the same on any device. PDF and XPS formats are very similar in their purposes and basic concepts, while internally they are quite different. For that reason, editing XPS is an important feature of GroupDocs.Editor.
Various document viewing or publishing applications allow users to open (Adobe Acrobat, XPS Viewer), and sometimes edit (Adobe InDesign) documents of specific formats. These applications typically produce so-called “fixed-page” format documents. Such a document format describes precisely where a document’s content is placed on every page. Internally, the XPS format contains a description of every page, as well as drawing instructions, specifying the layout of the content on the page. This is similar to image formats, describing where the content is shown either in raster or vector form.
In order to make a XPS editable, the GroupDocs.Editor uses advanced and complex algorithms, optical recognition, machine learning, and so on, so on the result users are able to edit all content of the document like an ordinary WordProcessing or textual document. This works whenever or not the XPS documents have textual layer, internal semantic structure (as described in PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-2a, and PDF/UA-1 formats), support search/find operations and so on. Application supports all common document structures like paragraphs, images, tables, lists, headers and footers, footnotes, page numbers, and many more.
An XPS file represents page layout files that are based on XML Paper Specifications created by Microsoft. This format was developed by Microsoft as replacement of EMF file format and is similar to PDF file format, but uses XML in layout, appearance, and printing information of a document. It is, in fact, more justified to say that XPS is an attempt on PDF, but couldn't get enough popularity as owned by PDF for a number of reasons.